16, 419 ahead

It’s fitting, in a way, that on the day when Gavin Gamble writes here, movingly, about why he set up his e-petition, the rival e-petition which emanates from nineteenth century thinking makes a big leap forward.  It’s now only 16,419 signatures behind Gavin’s and there’s a long time to go – longer for the rival…

Guest blog – Ban driven grouse shooting by Gavin Gamble

Gavin Gamble is a thirty-something Naturalist, Environmentalist and occasional ink-slinger currently studying Natural Biology and Environmental Science with the Open University alongside full time employment. He is also the author of the latest petition to ban driven grouse shooting from our uplands.         I suspect many of Mark’s regular readers readers will…

Wild food (19) – Hedgehog Fungus by Ian Carter

The feature that gives this fungus its name is both a godsend and a pain in the neck. The mass of spines on the underside, instead of the more usual gills or pores, make this otherwise rather nondescript species virtually impossible to confuse with anything else. So, if you are relatively new to foraging and…

Climate change and birds revisited

Last week I was thinking a bit about climate change and birds and thought I’d had a good idea. And I had had a good idea – it’s just that others had had it too and published a paper on it two years ago! The good idea was to look at the ‘envisaged potential’ bird…


Blue Planet blues? Think of the Kittiwake. This really is a ‘sea’ gull – the most marine of all our gulls.  It’s a classy looking bird with its black legs and ‘dipped in ink’ wing tips, smooth elegant grey plumage and friendly, intelligent and coquettish look. A strong contender for the Audrey Hepburn of the…