Hen Harriers on WatO

  If you were listening to the World at One today (starting at 38 minutes into piece) you will have heard a long piece on Hen Harriers. Well done WatO!  And well done RSPB (especially Ian Thomson and Blanaid Denman). The bird in question looks like these images by Gordon Yates – super bird isn’t…

Not telling, yet…

I emailed the NE Media Office this morning with the following simple questions: Has NE consented culling of Lesser Black-backed Gull in the Bowland Fells SSSI for this year?  Was an appropriate assessment made of the impact on the conservation interest of the Bowland Fells SPA before any consent was issued?  Please may I see…

Those gulls again (Bowland Gull Cull 2)

  The revelation towards the end of Friday afternoon that nesting Lesser Black-backed Gulls were being killed, perhaps under licence from Natural England, in the Forest of Bowland AONB has attracted a lot of comment on social media over the weekend. Natural England responded very quickly to say that they were investigating matters. The Forest…

Oscar Dewhurst – Spoonbill

Oscar writes: This is another one taken on the marsh at El Rocío. I’d been hoping to get a chance to photograph some of the Spoonbills that were feeding in the middle of the marsh, and had noticed that in the evenings they often fed near the edge where I could sit and wait. So,…

Other blogs (2)

In this occasional series (weekly so far – but this is only week 2) of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some more blogs that have caught my eye: Martin Harper, RSPB: The future of wildlife law Vicki Hird, Sustain: To feed ourselves well after Brexit, we need to change the economics of…