M&S and grouse meat

There are various ways of contacting M&S which in theory might elucidate their plans for selling Red Grouse meat this coming year. The easiest is probably their live chat service which is where I started – and helpfully they send you an email of what was ‘said’. Here’s the transcript: [12:03:27] Mark Avery has joined…


Dear M&S We do this every year…  (2016, 2015, 2014) Please can you tell me whether you have any plans to sell grouse meat in your stores this year? I do hope not. Thank you.

I feel a bit bad about this…

The other day I was driving around the roads of east Northants and I saw two squashed Hedgehogs. Yuk!! But I felt pleased that I’d seen them because it showed that there were still hedgehogs here… But I felt bad about feeling good… But I was glad… But I was sorry too…

Letter to my MP

Dear Mr Pursglove As this is the first time I have written to you since the general election last week, I must congratulate you on a personal level for holding your seat of Corby and east Northants (despite my and many others’ best attempts to get the vote out for Labour and Beth Miller).  Given…

Tree Bumblebees

  We seem to have Tree Bumblebees in our garden – in a nestbox that has held Blue Tits in the past. I came back from Spain to find the nestbox was full of bumblebees. They seem quite friendly critters – they don’t interfere with drinking Rioja in the evenings anything like as much as…