Oscar Dewhurst – Beaver

Oscar writes:  while I was walking around Stanley Park in Vancouver, I got chatting to another photographer who mentioned that I had a good chance of seeing Beavers in one of the small pools towards the entrance. Later that evening, after a short wait, sure enough a family emerged from their den and treated me…

Wild food (18) – Puffballs by Ian Carter

There are a few different puffball species, ranging in size from the small, spiny, Common Puffball (the one in the photo) and its close relatives, to the altogether more impressive and aptly-named Giant Puffball. The stalks are often mostly hidden underground, though, as here, they can extend to several centimetres. The good news is that…

Tim Melling – Grizzly Bear

Tim writes: every autumn Grizzly Bears move down to the rivers to feed on spawning salmon, which enables them to put on enough fat to sustain them through hibernation.  This is a huge battle-scarred male with a collapsed ear that scattered all the smaller bears when he arrived on the scene.  This was taken at…

NEWS: SNP policy is for licensing of shooting estates

Scottish National Party (SNP) delegates officially adopted a policy supporting licensing of driven grouse shooting estates at today’s National Council in Perth, making it certified party policy to support licensing for driven grouse estates. The move adds considerable momentum to the campaign for shooting estate licensing. Ian Thomson said,  ‘RSPB Scotland commends the National Council…