BASC members told to appear nice

BASC has issued a press release telling its members to hide their wild side and to appear nice in case they lose their firearms licences. The advice comes after someone’s behaviour on social media was used to withdraw a firearm licence (reinstated on appeal). BASC doesn’t actually tell its members to be nice people, just…

Guest blog – Spurn development decision by Georgia Locock

Georgia is a young naturalist and blogger. She is in her second year of A levels and plans to study zoology at university. Amongst her fascination of all wildlife, she particularly enjoys using trail cameras to capture footage of nocturnal wildlife, birding, campaigning and sharing her fascination of the natural world in the hope of…

Thank you to the IRSG

The weekend before last, I was at the Irish Raptor Study Groups’ conference in Dublin. What a great bunch of people – passionate and so friendly.  It might seem just a little stereotypical to say that one always gets a friendly welcome in Ireland, in all parts of Ireland, but in my experience it is…

The Birds

Do you ever listen to Book at Bedtime on Radio 4 between 1045pm and 11pm? I do, although the fact that it is around my bedtime usually means that I fall asleep before 11pm and get snatches of the story on a few nights a week! But it opens my ears, temporarily, to books that…

Questions 2

As well as Natural England, the Hawk and Owl Trust also has questions to answer over the non-publication of the details of Rowan’s death – Rowan was shot! Why would a wildlife charity, indeed, a raptor charity, which had funded the tagging of a young Hen Harrier, want the details of his death to be…