Other people’s e-petitions – a selection

My attention was drawn to the first of these e-petitions by a fellow Northants resident but then I had a little mooch around the site and came across a few others which relate to more local (or in the penultimate case, national) issues rather than UK ones. It’s a fascinating insight into the minds of…

Dear @MichaelGove

I was surprised to notice the other day that the Secretary of State for the Environment (and some other stuff), Michael Gove, follows me on Twitter.  I’m not foolish enough to think that Mr Gove is reading every word that I write, nor perhaps any of them, but just in case, I thought I’d pen…

The Raptor Persecution UK Marsh Harrier revelation

I can’t remember Raptor Persecution UK getting a story badly wrong – admittedly their spelling and grammar are sometimes a bit suspect but their facts and news are spot on.  And so I’d be very surprised if they have been misinformed about the desire of grouse moor managers to bump off Marsh Harriers revealed today. …

Stunning news from Raptor Persecution UK

Sometimes things happen which change the scene dramatically.  Today sees such an event. Raptor Persecution UK reports that the Moorland Association’s Amanda Anderson revealed in a DEFRA Raptor Persecution Priority Delivery Group meeting that her members want licences to kill Marsh Harriers.  Read the full story here.  

Remarkable Birds

Remarkable Birds is being translated into Chinese, Spanish and French but you could buy the English edition for your loved ones’ Christmas presents. Available from all good bookshops including this one – Blackwells.