BAWC crowdfunder going well

Was it really only yesterday that Birders Against Wildlife Crime launched their crowd funding appeal to set up a raptor-tagging project? In just over a day it has already raised getting on for £5,000 out of an initial target of £10,000.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. The project involves satellite-tagging raptors…

Oscar Dewhurst – Tufted Duck

This was another image from my first trip out in 2017. Seeing clear skies forecast for the following morning, I set my alarm early and was in Richmond Park before sunrise. I wanted to photograph the ducks and geese around the pen ponds, but into the sun, so positioned myself low to the water and…

Books in book shops

No book review this week – I haven’t had time to do a particular book justice in my reading. But I have been in a few bookshops in London. It’s always good to see one’s own books on sale, even if they sometimes take a bit of tracking down sometimes. This copy of Remarkable Birds…

Tim Melling – Tufted Tit Tyrant

This tiny, beautiful bird occurs in montane forest all along the Andes, but occurs more generally in Patagonia right down to the coast.  But they did not seem particularly common, and they were always on the move when I saw them so never easy to connect with.  I photographed this individual in a Southern Beech…