An interesting afternoon

I spent yesterday afternoon in a room with 13 others judging the Bird Photographer of the Year entries. Our wise decisions will be partly revealed at the end of this month and then fully revealed at the Bird Fair. I felt a bit of a fraud being on the panel as a ‘I don’t know…

Brexit, CAP and grouse moors 2

The disappearance of income support for grouse moors in a post-Brexit world is apparently on the cards – and is a sound policy route to follow as a small aspect of making our money work better for taxpayers, consumers and farmers alike. But the other side of the coin is that more money should be…

Brexit, CAP and grouse shooting

Sometimes several streams of argument begin to run together and form a river.   This week there have been signs that we are at standing at the headwaters of a river – let’s hope it doesn’t trickle into the sands. The biggest political game on the block is undoubtedly Brexit – and we all know what…

Environmental Audit Committee report

This report is important and challenging to government.  Brexit may mean Brexit but what does it mean for agriculture and environmental protection? Just as government did not have a plan for Brexit (somewhat understandable because government wasn’t in favour of it), Defra still does not have a plan for Brexit.  The Secretary of State was…

Don’t panic, don’t panic!

The Hawk and Owl Trust is looking for a Crisis Management Strategist!  The successful applicant will have a ball and chain which they can fit to the leg of the current Chair and a gag of an appropriate size. In between putting out fires that were started by the organisation’s Chair they will update their…