If the Conservative Party wants to know how to run an event then they could ask the RSPB.  I’m not sure what would count as the Leader’s speech but none of Miranda Krestovnikoff (President), Steve Ormerod (outgoing Chair) or Mike Clarke (Chief Exec) did any coughing or were handed P45s, and no letters fell out…

Tim Melling – Short-eared Owl

Tim writes: I love the eye contact in this photograph, and also that it has a moorland, not sky background.  Those intense yellow eyes seem to make the owl jump right out of the picture.  I took the photograph high on the Peak District moors in South Yorkshire.  They nest on the ground, usually among…


  The Chinese language edition of Remarkable Birds – I assume my name is on the front cover somewhere but that looks like a lot of characters for MARK AVERY – so now I am curious! For an English language version try here.

Feral review, highly commended – Peter Anderton

This blog’s recent writing competition was to write a review of George Monbiot’s book Feral. The entries were judged by John Riutta, The Well-read Naturalist, Ian Carter and myself. The winning entry by Kerrie Gardner was posted on Sunday. Two more entries were highly commended and this is the second of them, by Peter Anderton….