RSPB press release – Perthshire estate

RSPB Scotland welcomes SNH announcement of restrictions on Perthshire sporting estate Video evidence supporting restrictions revealed RSPB Scotland has welcomed the announcement by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) today of two restrictions imposed on the use of General Licenses on a sporting estate in Perthshire and on an un-named individual. These follow previous similar restrictions imposed…

This is interesting!

  Somebody, Gavin Gamble, has set up a new e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting which is being considered by the Petitions Committee!  Looks quite classy!  

Stormies on the Shiants

Calling Storm Petrels have been recorded for the very first time on the Shiants this summer, an important milestone for the Shiant Isles Recovery Project, which is working to make the islands suitable for these small seabirds to nest. The characteristic ‘churring’ call was heard from burrows, an encouraging sign that the project is working….

Brighton and #Lab17

Yesterday, on a sunny day, I went to sunny Brighton for a Labour conference fringe event organised by the Labour Animal Rights Group.  Thank you to them for inviting me and giving me the chance to talk about driven grouse shooting to a friendly enthusiastic audience.  Dominic Dyer chaired events with his usual style and…

A week in Yorkshire

Last week I was, kind of, on holiday in mostly sunny Yorkshire. It was good fun. It started with the film premiere in Hebden Bridge which was very enjoyable (I know how to let my hair down when on holiday!). Sunday – a boat trip out from Bridlington on the Yorkshire Belle – Arctic, Great…