The Inglorious 12th #inglorious12th

  Young Findlay Wilde’s thunderclap has now passed 11,000,000 social reach – and you have until 09:29 to add your support.  We’re right behind you Findlay! And – thank you! I’m heading off to the #crushcruelty march in London where fox-lovers, badger-lovers and hen harrier-lovers will gather.  See you there! And this is what the…

Myth-buster from Scottish raptor experts

Ahead of the Glorious Twelfth the Scottish Raptor Study Group has produced a ‘Moorland Myths Busters Guide’ for six of the most popular myths held within the driven grouse shooting sector. ‘Game bird licensing is unnecessary The failure of the intensive end of the game shooting industry to operate within the law over 60 years…

Shy albatrosses or Shy Albatrosses?

Some years ago I switched from the convention to which I had grown accustomed at the RSPB of not capitalising birds’ common names to the alternative. So whereas Falco subbuteo used to be the hobby it then became the Hobby and whereas I still wrote of gulls, I started writing about Herring Gulls rather than…