The Inglorious 12th #inglorious12th


Young Findlay Wilde’s thunderclap has now passed 11,000,000 social reach – and you have until 09:29 to add your support.  We’re right behind you Findlay! And – thank you!

I’m heading off to the #crushcruelty march in London where fox-lovers, badger-lovers and hen harrier-lovers will gather.  See you there!

And this is what the #Inglorious12th is about…

Photo: Tim Melling


Photo: Peter Cairns/Scotland Big Picture


Photo: Gordon Yates


Photo: RSPB









3 Replies to “The Inglorious 12th #inglorious12th”

  1. I hope you had a great day Mark – I was up early – pursued a bit of wildlife with my dog – then had a cycle ride.

  2. I did see something about your friend Chris Packham calling people ‘psychopaths’ – is this true? I seem to remember you making a meal about people calling Chris a ‘nut job’ because of his aspergers. I can’t help but think using these mental health labels is unhelpful in a political debate. If any shooters really are ‘psychopaths’ in any real sense of the term – ie one that actually complies with reality and isn’t just using serious condition as a cheap shot then I feel sure that such an assessment would impinge on their ability to get a gun license.

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