I have a few hardback copies of Fighting for Birds available for the bargain price of £10 (which includes postage, packing, my signature and a dedication to whomsoever you want).
Published in 2012, Fighting for Birds is an account of nature conservation issues and topics based on my experience of working for the RSPB for 25 years (and the last 12+ of them as Director of Conservation). Someone close to me thinks that it is my best book – but that may just be a nice way of saying that it has been downhill ever since. I’m not sure she is right but I still refer to things in the book and the issues haven’t changed very much in the last years.
If you are interested then please contact me on mark@markavery.info and use Fighting for Birds as the subject of the email, please. I would need to have your details and your money by midnight 13 May to enable me to make a visit to the Post Office on my return to the country from abroad and before my next departure.
If you know someone who wants to make a career of nature cosnervation then this might be the book for them. Or if you simply want an insider’s view of how nature cosnervation works, then tyhis again is a book for you.