Good news from the Dark Peak

The National Trust has announced that a nest of Hen Harriers with four chicks is on their land, on a grouse moor.  They sound quite surprised by this:


We’re delighted to learn of this nest.‘ said Jon Stewart, the National Trust’s General Manager for the Peak District. ‘The hen harrier has been one of the most illegally persecuted birds of prey in Britain for many years and we have set out on a mission to work with others to create the conditions for the harrier and other birds of prey to thrive once again in the uplands. We hope this will be a positive model for improving the fate of our birds of prey and providing the healthy natural environment that so many people care about and want to see.‘.

It does seem quite a good year for Hen Harriers in England this year.  There are pairs in Lancashire and Northumberland and elsewhere.  Not all pairs which attempted to nest have prospered though, despite this, generally, being a good year for the birds’ main prey, voles.



1 Reply to “Good news from the Dark Peak”

  1. It is indeed very good news. No doubt this and every other nest has been very carefully monitored and wardened, all those involved are to be congratulated on their efforts along with appropriate landowners and tenants. Harriers are so rare and under so much pressure from criminals these days that success doesn’t just happen it is won by damned hard work. Well done to all.

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