Does it work for you?

There’s a little box next to this blog which allows you to enter your email address and you will be sent an email each time a blog is posted here.  Except, several of you have now told me that it isn’t working very well. And now you’ve pointed it out, I’ve noticed it isn’t working for me either!

There are 300 of you using this facility – and I’m wondering whether it is now working for anyone!

Maybe it stopped working with various GDPR updates? I’m not sure. In fact, I haven’t a clue.

Some feedback from you, either as a comment left on this post, or as a response below, would give me a bit more to work on.  I might be able to fix it. I might be able to find some better software. Or I might just delete it and write it off to experience.



If you have tried to access new blogposts through this mechanism then please answer these three short questions – takes less than a minute (It really does!).

Create your own user feedback survey


9 Replies to “Does it work for you?”

  1. I did try it, but you have so may bows to your arrow that I decided to stop it. I now use RSS so my inbox on my email app does not fill. That works much better for me.

  2. The email update hasn’t worked for me for some time but may have coincided with your travels and problems with my tablet so I didn’t notice when it stopped. The survey link doesn’t work for me either.

  3. I activated it while you were away – its stopped working since but now you’re posting regularly enough that I check in anyway daily or nearly so, so I don’t miss it.

  4. Lyn upstaged me! I sent a comment earlier which didn’t appear so I sent it again, same result. As follows:
    Emails received
    July 2 latest on 5th
    June 8
    May 24
    I have been using FB and Twitter as links yo your blog buy prefer email!
    Sending this using my alternative address.

  5. I’d noticed I wasn’t getting the emails as before. Meant to let you know somehow, but I forgot. I do see your post via fb, but they are different than before too. They used to have a picture of the top of the blog post. Now they have a blue lettered web link instead.

  6. It was working but the emails have stopped recently, probably since you were away or just after your return.

    I like the email links, I don’t always have time to browse Facebook, Twitter or inter-web but always check my email inbox!

  7. RSS is the way to go. There are 292 links to blogs sitting in my Feedbro right now. They expire automatically after N days. Imagine the tedium of deleting that lot from an email client

  8. I stopped getting emails from you about new blog entries shortly after your return from holiday. I thought for a while you were being very quiet until I checked your website. Survey link does not work for me either.

  9. No, I believe I activated it, but have thought you were doing fewer blog posts these days but I have probably missed a lot.

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