I met some Minke Whales in Iceland yesterday. Some were swimming around off Reykjavik being watched by boatloads of happy whale-watchers (above) but others were for sale in a local supermarket.

Standing up for Nature
I met some Minke Whales in Iceland yesterday. Some were swimming around off Reykjavik being watched by boatloads of happy whale-watchers (above) but others were for sale in a local supermarket.
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It does look very juicy though….
Trapit, yes it looks good but then it is essentially an advertising photo of course it will look good. I would not eat it unless starving literally, I accept that there are others who feel differently But there is supposedly a world moratorium on commercial whaling Iceland chooses to ignore. My own view is that moratorium should be backed up with some sort of international penalties, sanctions if you will until Iceland joins the rest of us in not hunting whales. Others of course hunt whales too The Faeroes ( tradition is not an excuse for unnecessary butchery and cruelty) Norway who export almost all the meat to Japan and Japan itself. Given the international moratorium I personally think it would be perfectly reasonable for Japanese whaling boats to be impounded or sunk in international waters. They might then get the message.
Free range? Definitely. Sustainable? Yes, up to a point. Less cruelty involved than with factory farming? Hard to prove but I think highly likely. The case against supermarket minke seems to be little more than ‘but it’s a whale’. Where is the logic and the evidence or is an emotive ‘gut feeling’ sometimes enough? I’m not saying my gut feeling is any different to yours but if you are trying to persuade another country to change existing practice there should be more than that.