4 Replies to “22 September”

  1. Much as I sometimes want to I have as yet failed in perfecting the art ( or is that science) of being in two places at once. On the day I will be travelling on my way for my annual autumn visit to Shetland and Fair Isle so cannot attend, I have however put a message on the wall and hope it is an absolutely huge success.

  2. Quite a number of the groups taking part are not ones I would consider as supportive of wildlife or humane values. The conservation lobby (emphasis on the con bit) routinely slaughters wildlife as it scapegoats some species for human mismanagement of the environment. The RSPB is not against ‘game’ shooting in all cases and it uses Larsen Traps (banned in the country in which they were invented as totally barbaric) to slaughter our wonderful and intelligent Corvids and shoots foxes, including potentially pregnant vixens.

    The thought of such groups being on a walk for wildlife is simply nauseating.
    Therefore, what is the message or purpose of this walk? I would not wish to walk alongside or associate myself with organisations who slaughter wild animals and get into bed with the shooting lobby. A walk against cruelty and for real, compassionate conservation yes, marching alongside the Larsen Trappers and fox shooters? No way.

  3. CT, that surely can’t include ridding islands of introduced Rats, Mice, and Mink, responsible for the
    decimation of seabird colonies ?.

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