Icelandic Ravens

I met this Raven in Iceland.  It seemed to have bought itself a kebab and was eating it on the top of this rock.  It was so engrossed that it let me get very close.

Well, maybe it was quite a tame Raven – it was right in the centre of Reykjavik with people passing by all the time.  Many others took photos along with me.

The lake behind is quite good for wildfowl – there were a couple of Scaup among the more familiar Tufteds and Mallards.

So, what’s the rock doing in the middle of the pavement?

Well, the rock is quite interesting too.

There aren’t many passerines in Iceland and so large black birds, however close or distant, can fairly reliably be identified as Ravens.


4 Replies to “Icelandic Ravens”

  1. I think the Raven has some string or twine around its feet. I can see something white wrapped around the far foot and the feet look swollen to me. Also, it’s a very strange posture and the Raven is daring to stay put when eating in the presence of food. I’m afraid I don’t think it’s a tame bird but an injured, I’ll bird. Sorry.

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