Waitrose has been selling game meat with inaccurate health warnings in their stores for over five weeks and has so far failed to correct their errors.
But the supermarket has cooperated with a so-called news story in the Telegraph promoting game meat sales.
It doesn’t look good when a large company is oh so slow to correct its errors about the health impact of its food and yet is eager to promote sales.
Just a reminder of what NHS England says about game meat:
Food to avoid in pregnancy:
It’s best to avoid eating game that has been shot with lead pellets while you’re pregnant, as it may contain higher levels of lead. Venison and other large game sold in supermarkets is usually farmed and contains no or very low levels of lead. If you’re not sure whether a product may contain lead shot, ask a retailer.
And a reminder of what Waitrose continues to say on the packs of Pheasant meat it sells in its stores:
It is recommended that vulnerable groups such as toddlers, children, pregnant women and women trying for a baby do not eat more than one meal of wild game meat per week due to the possible presence of lead shot..
‘Avoid in pregnancy’ versus ‘eat it up to once a week’. Waitrose – not really good enough is it?
So Waitrose have been informed their food labelling is wrong but continue to use it. According to the FSA such intentional mislabelling is fraud.
Only if it’s intentional