A tight race – come on Les!

It’s going to be close, I think.

Les Wallace’s epetition calling for a proper economic study of grouse shooting has passed 7,000 signatures.

Fewer than 3000 signatures are needed in order to ensure that Defra have to respond on this subject. We should make them respond.

There are nine days left until this epetition closes. Your signature might be the one that gets it over the 10,000-signature line, or maybe it will be the signature of the person you ask to sign it today which makes all the difference.

Please sign Les Wallace’s epetition calling for a full economic study of grouse shooting – click here.


8 Replies to “A tight race – come on Les!”

  1. Many of your petitions 123,000+ signaturees still need to sign this Mark. Come on guys, support Les.

  2. Unfortunately my signature cannot be the one that gets it over the 10,000 mark. I signed long ago, and find it frustrating that I can do little more than I have already done in support of the petition. Your efforts are excellent, Mark, and that is obvious by the recent surge.
    That is in marked contrast to the members of Wildlife and Countryside Link, including the RSPB. The petition is not ‘controversial’, indeed if the owners of driven grouse moors and their supporters believe that driven grouse moors are of economic benefit, they should encourage people to sign.
    Why the Link members do not do more in support of such petitions is a total mystery to me. It should appear in members magazines, supporter emails, main and local group websites as a suggestion to members.

    1. Yes Alex there are some who should have supported the petition at the very beginning and put it over the 10,000 mark then, if they had the role of this point in the fight against DGS would be a hell of a lot further advanced right now. How the hell can merely asking for a proper economic audit of something which receives financial and political support be seen as contentious, the licencing of grouse moors is far more so. However, I think on the table bare, real economic facts are more of a threat to DGS than licencsing is. How many rank and file Tory supporters would be happy at public money being used without proper justification on something that suppresses free enterprise as well as wildlife? Good news is that someone apparently retweeted the petition link last night and they have 245,000 Twitter followers! The signatures are currently very close to 7,300 as I type this at 11.47 am. Yeah Mark’s been bloody magic! Fingers crossed more heavy artillery going to be brought into action this weekend.

      1. Les, I believe that had the RSPB and other charities been more cognisant of their purpose and origins, together my and other members’ wishes that your petition would have had no difficulty reaching 100,000 signatures.

        1. I can’t bring myself to be angry with the RSBP because I got such a lot of moral support from them when they endorsed the petition on their Skydancer blog, but on its own that was never going to get many signatures. I thought perhaps that towards the end if signatures were low they would step in. Not at at all and unless I’ve somehow missed it Martin Harper hasn’t replied to my email requesting that the RSBP helped even if it was just to let all RSBP staff know about the petition and ask them to sign, share, support. You’d probably be very hard pressed to find a RSBP staffie who wouldn’t sign it, but I fear hundreds might only find out about it after it closes. The past six months have given me one hell of an insight into how the broad spectrum of organisations with involvement in this issue work and there’s a hell of a lot of scope for improvement. BTW thanks for all your help and moral support!

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