9 Replies to “Charlie Moores interviews me about Wild Justice”

    1. Lizzy, just listened to this by going direct to Lush player. Download is bottom right.
      Well worth a listen.

  1. As you rightly say Mark, Natural England with these sorts of of attitude are simply not fit for purpose. These attitudes have the stamp of this Government all over them (Coffey especially). If there was a better example of arguing black is white I have yet to come across it.
    It will be a much better day when this Government goes.

    1. Alan, think it’s the case here that this has been going on for very many years, so many different governments have decided to leave it as it is. The easy/lazy way out.
      The fact is that whoever is in power, none of the main parties will care a damm about wildlife unless there are votes in it.
      Isn’t that why we so desperately need Wild Justice?

  2. I couldn’t get the link to work but, with a bit of determination, installed the Lush Player app and tracked you down that way. It was a good interview and I think your partnership could pay dividends for wildlife and its supporters.

  3. Lyn, if it is my link you refer to, it works for me. However ‘Lush Player wild justice’ in google search gets you right there. The podcast was good. Charlie said: “Three Cheers for three statements from three campaigners with reputations for telling things as they are.” I totally agree, although as Mark said the three people involved do not see eye to eye on everything, but their core values are similar enough. I don’t agree with them on everything either, but Wild Justice is certainly badly needed at present.

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