The latest in a series of fumbling performances by the biodiversity minister.

Would Therese Coffey ever have got her job if there had been an interview which explored the candidate’s knowledge and suitability for the role?
It’s a relief that as a Parliamentary Under Secretary we only pay her £96,375 for such consistently sparkling performances.
Meanwhile, this e-petition added over 20,000 signatures yesterday – it will be interesting to see what Dr Coffey comes up with by way of a government response.

Coffey is a total disgrace and more than unsuited to her job. Incompetent , and heavily biased towards the shooting industry and other damaging wildlife practices. As I have said before the day she goes out the door will be a very good day for the natural world.
Suitable for her job, absolutely not! In an interview process I suspect that she would have been “sifted out” long before it got as far as an interview. She has used almost every occasion possible to indicate just how unsuited she is to the post, totally ignorant, biased and completely uninterested. There have historically been some damned poor incumbents in this post but she is without doubt the worst.
Unlike others she has at least managed to stay out of prison. So far.
This misinformation from Defra is just confusing everyone and is hugely counter productive. The netting is to discourage sand martins from nesting in an area where works are due to take place – nothing to do with protecting the birds from cliff collapse.
I really think Michael Gove needs to replace Therese because she’s making the situation worse.
She’s still there so must have Gove’s blessing. Does that make him worse?
I, too, think Therese Coffey is unsuitable for the position she holds. However, in regard to some of the issues highlighted above I think further information needs to be available. I understand, from the original advice given by the RSPB, that there was a need to prevent nesting in one section of cliff where nests would have been at risk from sand fall but only that section was supposed to be covered. In other words, the job was not properly done to the original specification.
The petition could have unintended consequences given that many of the species cited nest in, or on, houses. Rather than welcoming these delightful summer visitors and making provision for them many people would take active steps to prevent them colonising in the first place for fear of being unable to carry out essential repairs in the future.
Low nest holes might be at risk when sand, dredged from the sea bed, is piled along the cliff base as part of coastal defences – so nothing to do with unstable cliff threatening the birds.
I have been told by a friend who i have found to be reliable in his research that 5G requires trees to be cut down because although powerful it dorsn’t transmit far. He says a lot of the tree netting is because of that and that can only get worse.
If that is true it could be an environmental disaster.
Coffey has been given her valuable piece of moss as a bribe.
One of the mobile companies (well their contractor) asked us for permission to remove a tree and lower a hedge to improve the signal between two masts. They were surprised when we said no. Given it was the contractor that asked I wonder if they were just looking for work. We didn’t hear anymore from them.
I don’t know how reliable this is but if it is true we should be seriously worried although having said that it is so bad i doubt they could get away with it unless they use different frequencies so the damage is less apparent.
Article in Canary
How many Ministers are ‘qualified’ for their posts? How many are worth what remuneration & the perks they receive?
You could just about make a case the interview for their MP status is the ballot box, but Ministerial positions are the gift of the PM and I’m reminded of those nodding dogs in the back of car windows.
It’s high time there was a system which was independently audited which provide means to assess suitability and accountability of those in such positions?
Time for change, but would turkeys ever vote for christmas ;(