7 Replies to “Theresa Villiers’s Countryfile Live speech”

  1. As usual words like proportionate to describe the enforcement of environmental laws. We know what that means. No reference, of course to the meetings with the Americans where topics such as relaxing pesticide regulations and restrictions on the importing of chlorine washed chicken and hormone rich beef being removed was on their shopping list for a post brexit deal. Well we’ll have to see but all the talk is on increasing competitiveness and the reference to removing the bureaucracy of the cap could be interpreted either way. She sounds like a parroting mouthpiece for bojos free for all…..

  2. I believe the technical phrase is:- meaningless unimaginative trite drivel.
    In dispair of ever having a decent Secretary of State for the Environment from any shower of bloody Tories, that’s not in hock to the NFU, CA, CLA or thinks the countryside is the National Trust. As for Countryfile, words fail me!

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