England’s uplands are infested
By old money and interests vested
Lords, Earls, Viscounts and Dukes
Morally bankrupt driven grouse shoots
But don’t meddle with
The rural way of life
Swathed in lies
Publicly subsidized
Cloak and dagger
Soaked in blood
This traditional slaughter
Fusillade and laughter
Wildlife murdered
Where are our Hen Harriers?
Insurmountable barriers
Rows and rows
Of Stoats, Foxes and Crows
Goshawks, Peregrines and even Hobbies
Fall foul of this criminal lobby
Who could have thought
That they call this a sport?
The Glorious 12th
Maintaining the countryside’s health
Paying eye-watering amounts
For the privilege
To kill for fun
To them its just game
But its not just
And its not a game
Reload and volley
The poor red grouse
They don’t stand a chance
Filled with lead shot
There’s no escape from the pot
Or the men in tweed
The Establishment
Illegitimate heirs
To our natural heritage
These crooks
Down on us they look
From their lofty perches
They laugh in our faces
And perform these outrages
They take our money
For burning and shooting
An ecocide, they try hard to hide
Stewards of the land
You wouldn’t understand
Please sign this e-petition by Chris Packham calling for a ban of driven grouse shooting.
And good to see LACS getting behind this petition.
Yes – would have been difficult to ignore one from Chris Packham. It would be great if Animal Aid also got involved.