My calendar is emptying rapidly – I expect yours is too. There are talks I’ve been asked to give which have been cancelled, no surprises there, and events to which I was hoping to go which have been cancelled or postponed. Even attending a family wedding in June looks somewhat up in the air…

However, partly as an act of hope and defiance I have booked myself in to the first Hen Harrier Day event to take place in Wales which is planned for mid July. I’ve registered for the event and I’ve paid in advance for two nights’ accommodation. Let’s hope it goes ahead and let’s hope that I can attend.
If you want to do the same then here’s a tip; don’t be fooled that Plas-y-Brenin is full already, whatever the online message says, phone them up and, unless they have sold all the rooms in the last few days, they’ll be delighted to book you in.
Details, I guess we must now count them as provisional, of all Hen Harrier Day events can be found on the Hen Harrier Day website.
I had like Mark hoped to attend this, I still may, but if all goes well I should on that day be flying from Sofia back to Heathrow after 12 days of butterflying. We shall see, it should certainly be one or the other unless we are still as we are now.