Global daily coronavirus deaths (obviously lots of caveats about the quality of the data):
UK daily coronavirus deaths (obviously some caveats about the quality of the data):

Daily coronavirus deaths at a hospital local to me, Northampton General Hospital (probably very few caveats about the quality of the data):

Daily coronavirus deaths at another hospital local to me, kettering General Hospital (probably very few caveats about the quality of the data):

The form of these graphs are all very similar – how steeply they rise, when they peak and that they are declining (although Kettering Hospital shows a much, much weaker decline than Northampton Hospital).
One of the things that I took away from this was that as I sit in my garden enjoying the sunshine, until recently, there have been very few deathless days in my two local hospitals.
At Kettering Hospital the 112 COVID-19 deaths between mid-March and mid-May were of patients aged between 38 and 98 but the median age of those dying was 83 years (ie, although I am sure most of you know this, 56 of the deaths involved people aged between 83 and 98 and the other 56 involved people between 38 and 83).
Just watched a film on BBC newschannel of the South Korean experience. Basically – privacy costs lives. They used credit card data, cctv, phones the works. In their Test, track and trace.
Admittedly Korea had a big kick up the backside with SARA and MERS. (The latter with a 30% death rate.) to get them in the right frame of mind.