News from the grousers

Crispin Odey, grouse shooter and funder of You Forgot the Birds (logo any harrier except a Hen) seems like a lovely man.

Craig Whitaker MP for Calder Valley whose constituency is often flooded by water pouring off grouse moors, and who spoke in favour of driven grouse shooting in the 2016 debate seems like a lovely man.


7 Replies to “News from the grousers”

  1. One accused of sexual assault but of course innocent until proved guilty. Given the vitriol often thrown at the women making such allegations and the nerve it takes as a consequence to make such an accusation I’ll leave others to decide what a nice man or otherwise Odey is.
    As to whitterer, sorry Whitaker condemned as a racist Tw*t by his own mouth. I have never had any time for racism in any form. Far too many relatively right wing politicians get away with deliberately unpleasant remarks about other cultures, communities, religions or races. Shame on Whitaker and indeed all racists.

  2. If you take the trouble to dig into the postings of the hunting and shooting types, you soon find yourself exposed to alarming levels of hatred, racism and homophobia. A nasty experience.

    1. Indeed having visited the Facebook pages of various pro shooting groups primarily those of several moorland groups I was horrified by the bigotry, racism, homophobia and anti vegan and vegetarianism. Yet they call many of us extremists!

  3. I was appalled by Craig Whittaker’s comments. How can a Tory M.P utter such racist and inflammatory twaddle and get away with it ? I am surprised he has not been asked to resign.
    We certainly don’t need the likes of Whittaker cranking up the racism in this country. Why the hell should we put up with it, he should stand down.

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