Did you tune in to Caroline Lucas’s conversation with Chris Packham yesterday evening – it was well worth missing the first half of a repeated Antiques Roadshow and the first goalless 30 minutes of the big fooball match too. It was great, and you can catch up here.
Here are some highlights:
- Caroline favours a ban of driven grouse shooting
- she stressed the environmental harms of greenhouse gas emissions, increased flood risk and water quality
- Caroline stressed the power of individual constituents and encouraged us all to go back to politicians and tell them what we think – take control
In England (I’ve received less information from Scotland) many Conservative MPs are dodging the issues and trying to blag it with their constituents. I’ll be posting a guide to how you might like to respondtou emails from your Conservative MPs here at 12:45 today.
My friend Jean was talking to the Greens on the phone ‘please could you clone Caroline Lucas’. They were speechless.
There is some superb video of Merlin and Hen Harriers at the end of the interview.
Caroline Lucas was interviewed by Artist Taxi Driver’s son. It has been taken down from youtube. Found it here
Yes I watched her and Chris yesterday evening. She was brilliant. If only she was prime minister this country would be a much better place.