A response to our e-action by the new leader of the LibDems, Ed Davey

Ed Davey was elected the leader of the LibDems today after one of the most dragged-out elections of all time (but I did make some money betting on it).

He has probably had a lot on his mind in the last couple of weeks and this is the rather limp response he has sent his constituents in Kingston and Surbiton in response to our e-action.

I’d say it is nowhere near as good as his predecessor’s, Tim Farron’s, respone (see here) and although basically the same standard letter as that sent out by Wera Hobhouse, Sir Ed does not notice that his constituent has asked him to write to DEFRA. If he were my MP I’d be pointing this out to him and asking him to do so and to behave like an opposition MP rather than an offshoot of the Tory Party (but then, I am not likely to be voting LibDem in the near future).

Thank you for contacting me regarding illegal killing of hen harriers and other birds of prey.
The Liberal Democrats share the strong concerns raised regarding the decline in the UK population of wild hen harriers.  As we know, hen harriers are a protected species and currently at Red on the RSPB conservation status.  So it is crucial that everything is done to protect these birds.
Under provisions in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, killing a hen harrier constitutes a wildlife crime.  Despite this, the illegal killing of wild birds of prey continues.  The Liberal Democrats are therefore glad that the National Wildlife Crime Unit, a specialist unit dedicated to tackling all wildlife crime, regards raptor predation as one of its top priorities.  Thanks to Liberal Democrat pressure in 2015, the Government agreed to continue funding this Unit’s work – and we remained committed to advocating for permanent funding for this Unit.
Whether to ban driven grouse shooting or not is an emotive issue, with strong views held on both sides of the argument.  However, encouraging partnership working between conservationists and the shooting industry is the best way to ensure that the hen harrier population can be managed effectively.  We want to see the rules surrounding the sport tightened up and will continue to monitor the developments and options surrounding it, for example, licensing.
Liberal Democrats are not in favour of a ban on driven grouse shooting, and believe that where it is conducted within the law it can offer benefits to rural communities, such as job creation, supporting local economies and peatland environmental management when carried out in a manner that is sensitive to the environment.  However, we would like to see the British Association of Shooting and Conservation, and the Government, do even more to promote best practice and step up efforts to stamp out illegal and bad practice.
Thank you again for contacting me about this important issue.  Please do let me know if there is anything further I can do to help.
With best wishes,

If you want to give your elected politician a nudge to act for change then please send them a message through this e-action which is a joint campaign by the RSPB, Hen Harrier Action and Wild Justice. Click here to have a look please. You’ll be joining over 91,000 others. Thank you!


2 Replies to “A response to our e-action by the new leader of the LibDems, Ed Davey”

  1. “However, encouraging partnership working between conservationists and the shooting industry is the best way to ensure that the hen harrier population can be managed effectively. ”
    FFS it has been tried time and time again without any positive outcomes. The only thing learnt from it is that it is a waste of time talking to folk that don’t want to and will not change.
    Sir Ed either needs to get up to speed quickly or is a lost cause on this one.

  2. The Lib Dems always seem to “miss the bus” on flag ship matters Surely this is an opportunity for them to really grab hold of the issue and show they are very different from the Tories. They don’t seem to realise the terrible abuses, in every way, that goes with Driven Grouse Shooting As it is, you are quite right Mark it is a very limp response indeed (a pale Tory type response). Fortunately there aren’t many Lib Dem’s and like you, I am not likely to vote Lib Dem with this stance of theirs.

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