Teetering on the brink of 50,000 signatures

The Wild Justice e-petition against the Badger cull is within 100 signatures of that 50,000 threshold which represents the half way point to a Westminster Hall debate. The petition closes on 24 March 2021 – today is Day 9.

I feel we are like3ly to getto 100,000 signatures eventually.

I can tell you now, I’d like to get a lot, lot further and the Wild Justice team is looking at how we can promote the petition a lot more widely.

But Friday evening is a good time to hit 50,000 – I might open a bottle of Rioja when 50,000 is reached. I’m hoping soon after 7pm – but I can wait longer if needed.

Please do have a look at the petition – click here. Thank you.


3 Replies to “Teetering on the brink of 50,000 signatures”

  1. I understand that the Derbyshire cull target has been reached very quickly, though can find no official confirmation.

  2. By next March the badgers will be dead.
    I am wondering how many badgers are left in the areas that have had culling for successive years?

    1. They can always mop up in future slaughter fests.
      What a disgraceful set of cruel clowns have been voted into office.
      And whenever we write to one of the useless crew on any issue relating to animals they all make the same complacent statement – ‘we are a nation of animal lovers… we have gold standard animal welfare legislation’.
      Are they deluded or just do not care?

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