Gamebirds victory (10) – DEFRA turned its back on studying these things

As long ago as 2014 I asked DEFRA:

What research has been done that addresses the range of ecological costs and benefits of rearing and releasing Pheasants for shooting? Does native wildlife benefit or is it harmed by Pheasant shooting? Does Defra have plans to do any such research?

and they replied:

Defra has not assessed the impact of releasing pheasants or red-legged partridges on biodiversity and is not currently planning any research in this area due to other biodiversity research priorities.

 Well, now it is having to look at these things in a lot more detail.


1 Reply to “Gamebirds victory (10) – DEFRA turned its back on studying these things”

  1. I think the current situation needs to be watched very carefully. I think we can assume that those who enjoy shooting our wildlife for fun in the form of the likes of Mr Bonner will now be lobbying Defra and Natural England very hard to ensure any superficial research comes out clearly in their favour i.e. that the release of so many pheasants does no harm and is beneficial to wildlife where as the precise opposite is the case.
    I would not be surprised if Defra/NE are forced into employing a consultant organisation to carry out this research. And you know what? Mr Bonner and his friends will push hard for that consultant to be a shooter organisation.
    The situation is tricky and needs to be watched carefully.

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