No sign of that new grouse shooting debate

I pointed out over a couple of weeks ago that BASC was claiming that;

There is a broader grouse debate in the diary for early December, which follows another anti-shooting petition to ban driven grouse shooting. This will be a more comprehensive debate and will cover a broader spectrum of topics. Our briefs are being finalised and again will be tailored to the debate and will focus on the latest research.

Nothing has materialised yet and there is nothing scheduled for next week in Westminster Hall – the closest we get is debate on the future of fairs and showgrounds.

But there was this (click here) on Wednesday which is just another example of grouse shooting looking out of touch and out of date. You won’t sell the wrecking of Scotland’s hills to the public by saying that there are Red Grouse on the menus of posh London restaurants – quite the opposite, I’d think!

We now hear from the chair of the Scottish Gamekeepers Organisation regarsding Scottish grouse moors;

This is a birdwatchers’ paradise

That’ll be news to birdwatchers. Try googling ‘a birdwatchers paradise’ and you’ll not find many mentions of the Angus Glens…

The supporters of driven grouse shooting are getting, and looking, ever more desperate, and stray further and further from the truth. They aren’t talking to the public, they are talking to themselves these days. Evermore figures of fun their public utterances no longer even put doubt in the minds of the neutrals or disinterested observers – they just look foolish now.


1 Reply to “No sign of that new grouse shooting debate”

  1. Well said Mark. It is strange how events align themselves, the parallels and similarities between the falsehoods put about by the supporters of driven grouse shooting, including Tory supporters, and those of Trump in the USA are quite striking.

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