3 Replies to “Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill”

  1. The government insists on its right to diverge from European standards. Sadly, I don’t think anyone can be in any doubt as to the direction in which that divergence is likely to go in years to come. It is hard to feel confident about the prospects of some orchid, beetle or bird that might stand in the way of a planned commercial development after a few years of post-Brexit shredding of Brussels ‘red-tape’.

  2. The oven ready deal turns out to be what the hardliners wanted all the time:- No Deal.
    Never mind all the screwed businesses, jobs and prospects, thankyou Mr Johnson you useless piece of crap and thankyou all those poor deluded fools who believed his lies in the campaign.
    You’ve probably nay almost certainly removed the Great from Great Britain.

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