7 Replies to “A video #stateofnature”

  1. The utter disgrace behind having to campaign on this major issue of protecting nature is that there should be no need to do it. If we had a decent Government that did what it said it would do there would be no problem. Unfortunately we have a Government and it’s associated politicians whose word means absolutely nothing. As is the case, every time with these awful politicians, regarding protecting nature and our wildlife, words are prolific and positive actions non existent.

  2. It’s a good video I suppose. You notice the almost totally white participant list though don’t you.

      1. Tell that to black people – it *will* be the first thing many of them notice, and why not? Probably to you race is invisible because that is where you are privileged.
        Anyone know the racial make up of readers of this blog?

        1. m parry – you are taking a post about wild rivers into a whole different area. That’s enough really, thanks.

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