If you signed the petition asking the Royals to Rewild then you might be interested in this event on 9 October.
[registration_form]Standing up for Nature
If you signed the petition asking the Royals to Rewild then you might be interested in this event on 9 October.
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If I could I’d love to take part in this. Why oh why did they have to build London so far away from Falkirk? This deserves every success and hopefully it gets good media coverage. It would be great to know in reality how close the royals are to switching from traditional field sports to proper rewilding. There’s a very clear and embarrassing conflict between their public statements in support of conservation and huntin, fishin, shootin being given precedence over it on their own estates. That’s going to become more and more obvious to the public as time goes on, so where’s the tipping point? Maybe just maybe it could be a lot closer than we think. The status quo might end with a shrug of the shoulders and an understated resignation ‘oh well time to move on’, it all just suddenly runs out of steam, almost an anti climax? Good luck Chris and team.