Turtle Doves are everywhere

According to the Daily Express the Turtle Dove is making a massive comeback and you only really need to look out of the window, right now, to see one, or two, or probably a few. Happy Christmas Daily Express picture editor! Coo!

British values in Defra

Sajid Javid is considering introducing the need for public office-holders to swear an oath of allegiance to British values. This blog has come across a draft of a version which might be used in Defra, indeed, some say it has been in use for quite a while: I promise on my honour to do my…

Sunday book review – Bobby the Birdman eds J Wills and M Mcdonnell

Bobby Tulloch was a Shetlander whose fame spread far beyond the isles of his birth.  Born on Yell in 1929 he died in 1996.  For many of us his name will ever be associated with the Snowy Owls which nested on Fetlar from 1967 to 1975. To those of us who never knew the man…

Tim Melling – Walruses

Tim writes: Walruses spend quite a lot of their time loafing around on the beach together, especially the males.  We were watching one such inanimate group when a few decided to take a swim.  They then became curious about who was on the beach watching them.  I lay flat by the water’s edge and waited…