BTO Press release

Sir Ian Botham told the world on the Today programme about a grouse moor, surveyed by the BTO that had oodles and oodles of Lapwing, Curlew and Golden Plover.  Apparently the BTO knows nothing about it… British Trust for Ornithology Press Statement – Pennine Grouse Moor survey report A bird survey that was reported to…

Guardian gets it right

Experienced journalist John Vidal calls it right in the Guardian on the attacks on Chris Packham by YFTB. ‘Adding to the shooters’ pain is a parliamentary e-petition that has more than 89,000 signatures calling for an end to the sport. Not since foxhunting with dogs was threatened with legislation in the 1990s has a country…

Flock back to M&S, grouse over

M&S will not stock grouse meat this year. Phew! I’ve been missing shopping in M&S. I may buy a bottle of their champagne to celebrate. In a statement posted on their corporate blog M&S say that they will not stock grouse because there aren’t enough of them on the estate which they intend to use…

Look in to the Mirror

I can go for weeks at a time without remembering that the Daily Miror still exists – but it has done us proud this week. Yesterday there was this piece on grouse shooting. Today there was this authored by Chris Packham. Doesn’t he look so out of date with that placard with the number 73,316…

Even the Telegraph…

Just look at the tone and content of this piece in the Daily Telegraph – it’s not exactly like previous years is it?  We did that. No really – it was us. Sign up to ban driven grouse shooting – what day could be a better one than the Inglorious 12th – and help us…