A Hen Harrier Day message from Bill Oddie

Bill is one of the strong supporters of this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting that passed 78,000 signatures a little while ago today (having passed 77,000 signatures this morning).  Please sign to make an old Goodie very happy.  

Dear Amanda

‘If we let the hen harrier in, we will soon have nothing else. That is why we need this brood management plan’ – Amanda Anderson, Director, Moorland Association   Dear Amanda Could you please give the following police forces a list of your members who are not ‘letting’ Hen Harriers onto their moors: Cleveland Police…

#HHDay2016 at Edale – a few words and images

In many ways, I thought that this was the very best Hen Harrier Day event ever. But the very first with the #sodden570 must just edge it for those who were there. Back in the Peak District two years later, after another successful rally in 2015 in the Goyt Valley, we gathered in a car…