Meanwhile, in a proper newspaper…

Yesterday’s Observer was rather more up to date in its reporting of grouse moor issues than the Torygraph, pointing out that our e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting is where it’s all at! Kevin McKenna, under a headline ‘The Glorious 12th? Conservationists turn their fire on Scotland’s grouse moors‘ writes, ‘This year, though, there will…

Joke coverage by Torygraph

The Telegraph’s Senior Reporter, Patrick Sawer, produced a joke piece of news yesterday. Presumably any journalists who know anything about the environment and grouse shooting were at home having a barbecue over the weekend? The article is constructed around the events of 25 July when the RSPB pulled out of the Defra non-plan for Hen…

My first punt at our future agriculture policy

Everyone says that the redesign of agriculture policy post-Brexit is a big opportunity. And so it is. You can make this as complicated as you like, and it is complicated in reality, but let’s start by making it simple whilst not losing the gist of what it’s all about. Currently we taxpayers ‘invest’ £3,000,000,000 per…

Wow! #HHDay2016 and 76,000 signatures

It’s all a bit of a blur at the moment… I left home on Friday lunchtime and have been to Rainham Marshes Hen Harrier Day and The Peak District Hen Harrier Day at Edale. I have heard Charlies Moores speak with passion about being ‘Proud to Care’ and Chris Packham just being brilliant. I saw…

Oscar Dewhurst – Bearded Tit

Oscar writes: I have several photos of perched Bearded Tits, but none of them flying so when I noticed a pair making regular feeding flights to and from the same place, it gave me the chance to have a few attempts. Eventually I managed this one of the adult male with food in its beak….