5 Replies to “What a glorious Inglorious 12th”

  1. Belfast South – 100!

    200 Club constituencies starting to appear in London (starting yesterday);

    Holborn and St. Pancras – 209
    Twickenham (the first past 200?) – 207
    Richmond Park (the leader for most of the petition’s course) – 206

  2. Has anybody tried to get @rickygervais on board? He tends to be a good egg when it comes to wildlife. He also has 11 million followers who might be interested in signing the petition. He was online an hour ago. #Inglorious12th

  3. Was in the pub at lunchtime with 4 friends and they all signed up when I explained what this was about. It’s certainly been a glorious 12th for the petition..

  4. 96000. 10,000 in under 24 hours.
    Best stick to cricket Beefy. Second thoughts, don’t.

  5. Well done Mark, your rolling stone has gathered much sphagnum moss.
    Only a few sprigs of unburnt heather to go now.

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