The science about which Truss misled us

In a slightly shocking move last week (though I am not easily shocked) Liz Truss (formerly of Defra) announced she was not taking any notice of the report of the Lead Ammunition Group report (now published in full). She announced this after sitting on the report for 14 months, on the day a PM resigned…

New M&S nonsense

M&S keep digging a hole of ignorance and you can hardly see the tops of their heads now. In their current stock answer to customers concerned about the origin and lead content of the grouse meat that they might or might not sell to the general public they have a new phrase ‘all M&S game…

Two whole months to go

62,000!  And two whole months to go (with July and August both having 31 days – these things matter you know). We are two thirds through the time so we ought to be on 66,667  – but we are not too far off on 62,000+ and we certainly have plenty of momentum.   Here are…

M&S wavering

There is nothing but stubbornness stopping M&S from dumping grouse meat. They have dumped it in the previous two years – once for a good reason and once for a bad reason. Last year, they just used what looked like an excuse but in 2014 they said they wouldn’t sell grouse meat until they received…

A place for trolls

If you want to put forward a point of view on grouse shooting then you are very welcome to comment on this blog – where your comment won’t be deleted and won’t be selectively quoted. If you want an argument with me about grouse shooting then come here and try your luck. Yesterday evening a…