And yet more…

In today’s Guardian there is a long piece, ‘a long read’ piece, by the admirable Patrick Barkham on the subject of grouse shooting and Hen Harrier shooting too.  In it, I am described as ‘intense and  fiercely intelligent’ which I just point out to show how wide of the mark journalists sometimes can be. It’s…

It’s a wasteland for Bowland Beth

David Harsent has won the prestigious TS Eliot prize for poetry for his collection of poems, Fire Songs. He is, the judges said, a poet ‘for dark and dangerous days’. This might seem a little off-subject for this blog, although I do try to maintain the appearance of having  a thin veneer of culture. However,…

Too much crime, the Mutch case

Scottish gamekeeper, George Mutch, was yesterday sentenced to four months in prison for trapping a Goshawk and beating it to death.  Mutch is the first gamekeeper to be jailed for killing raptors.  Click here to see some of the video evidence that led to the conviction in December. It’s never a good thing for anyone…

Oxford Dictionaries asked to re-word

Internationally-acclaimed author Margaret Atwood, former Poet Laureate Sir Andrew Motion and former Children’s Laureate Michael Morpurgo are among 28 major literary and media figures who have today written to the Oxford University Press. They are calling for the reinstatement of a host of words connected with nature and the countryside that have been removed from…