Hen Harrier Day – some ‘thank you’s

I was thanked a lot on Saturday, Sunday and subsequently for organising the Hen Harrier Day event in the Peak District. It really didn’t take much organising – it took a bit of nerve though! Here is a run-through of the roles of organisations and individuals in making Hen Harrier Day happen.  Some people’s roles…

And at the end of the Inglorious 12th…

…over 14,000 folk have signed the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting (making it the 11th most successful Defra-related e-petition ever). This is the summer of the Hen Harrier. Things are changing. You are making that change happen. Thank you.

The media war

First things first, no-one much would be talking about Hen Harriers today if it weren’t for Hen Harrier Day and an e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting.  Well done us!  Standing in the rain in Lancashire, Northumberland and Derbyshire (and in the sun in Dorset – yes, I’m envious) is changing the story. Chris Packham…

Hen Harrier Day – the video

To get a true feeling for how wet, but how inspiring, it really was click here. Some people are finding it difficult to make this link work (it works for me!) so please try this www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi-B7ZBOyC4   And to help bring an end to driven grouse shooting click here.

The Times they are a-changing

Good bye Simon Barnes and hello Jim Dixon in Saturday morning’s Times.  That’s somewhat ironic given that Simon wrote about the lack of raptors in the Peak District and Jim is the Chief Executive of the Peak District National Park. Jim emailed me to say he was sorry that he couldn’t come to our protest…