I got a bear!

And bears trump everything else – except wolves. But it’s been a great day even without the bear (and there was a bear!). I was back on Route 178 heading northwest at 0640 – which made me feel good.  178 and I had spent some good time together yesterday evening and now I left Batesburg/Leesville…

Americans having sex – what a laugh!

Today was an easy day – mooched around the area of Bull’s Island near Charleston, South Carolina and Charleston itself. Charleston has lots of ‘old’ buildings – but it is a very pretty place.  You have to cross a very impressive modern bridge to get to it and then it’s quaint and southern and nice. …

Southern belles

The females of the deep South have a reputation for beauty, charm and politeness.  I’ve now encountered a few. The waitress at the Dunes restaurant at breakfast today called me ‘Honey’ as I ate my eggs (medium, sunny side up)), grits (my first time – I was until today a grits-virgin) and hot cakes ((just another name…

On the road

Actually, I did go back to Rock Creek Park this morning, but to a new bit with some different people.  Greg Butcher, the Conservation Director of National Audubon was kind enough to take me birding and on a stroll through the park next to Rock Creek itself. We added to the warbler list with Tennessee…

Rock Creek Park 2

Yesterday was great, and today was even better.  Better in several senses – I was less jet-lagged, we had some good birds and we had some great views of a stunning Magnolia Warbler. The Rock Creek Park Crowd were regathering together in this green, wooded area within Washington DC soon after 615am.  Warbler species added…