We are 19,700 signatures ahead

The supporters of a ban on driven grouse shooting, are now 19,700 signatures ahead of the forces of conservatism who wish this unsustainable hobby of shooting birds for fun and profit to continue. But it’s not quite as simple as that, as there are three e-petitions including Ed Hutchings’s e-petition, supported by the RSPB, which…

An amazing response – thank you

Starting a crowd funding campaign is a little like throwing a party – when you start, you imagine what great fun it will be and how everyone will want to come. Then as the time approaches you begin to wonder whether it is going to be such a success and as the hour draws near…


Last week I met two barristers and a couple of solicitors and was advised that there is a good legal case on which we can challenge the ridiculous plan by Michael Gove’s Department of the Environment (Defra) to remove eggs or chicks of Hen Harriers from grouse moors – a scheme they call brood management…

Paul Leyland – Clytus arietis

Paul writes: This is a small longhorn beetle, averaging about 14mm body length, commonly known as the Wasp Beetle. This mimicry of the Common Wasp (amongst others) helps protect it from predators, mainly birds, even though it is harmless. It’s a good pollinator of flowers as it likes sunbathing in hedgerows and woodland rides in…

Wild food (29) – Tadpoles by Ian Carter

The second half of winter is perhaps the least productive time of year for foraging. Spells of cold weather have eliminated all but the hardiest of wild flowers. Most of the nuts and berries have been consumed or have rotted away. There are a few winter season fungi but many of those seem to fade…