Sunday book review – Winter Birds by Lars Jonsson

Reviewed by Ian Carter When I was first getting interested in wildlife in the 1980s, Lars Jonsson was seen almost as a cult figure by young birders. He had published a series of slimline fieldguides based on different habitats (mountains, sea coast etc) and these were later updated and amalgamated into one book covering all…

Tim Melling – Whinchat

  Tim writes: Whinchat is now largely an upland bird in Britain having suffered a 47% range contraction since 1968-72.  A range contraction means that a 10km square that had breeding Whinchats (could have been one or dozens of pairs) in the 68-72 Atlas, did not hold breeding Whinchats in the 2007-11 Atlas.  Monitoring of…

Watch this

  I was contacted by Awemix Watches about their Time to Care scheme.  They wanted to send me a watch to help promote their scheme where 20% of the sale price goes to good causes – which are currently Breast Cancer and Wildlife and Conservation.  The chosen charities change every now and again but are…