Wuthering Moors 50

Dear Defra   I am complaining about your response to a FoI request RFI 7667 on two grounds: the time taken to reply and the answer that I received. The time taken to reply. Your reply was short and contained no information that you needed to spend lots of time collecting and yet you took…

Wuthering Moors 49

I asked Defra for an update on the ‘progress’ with the complaint by the RSPB against the UK government to the EU over burning of blanket bogs (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and Inglorious for more details) on 6 July. After the usual delay in replying I received what passes for…

Poll results – brood meddling even more unpopular

A poll organised by Rare Bird Alert (click here) which is essentially a repeat of a similar poll of over 6 months ago, suggests that birders (and others – for the poll was open to anyone) have set their faces more firmly against brood management as they have learned more about it. This is a…

de luxe?

I was treated to dinner last week by a friend, a vegetarian friend actually, who booked a table in the Galvin Bistro de Luxe on Baker Street.  We were both amused to see this notice near our table. I emailed the Galvin group in July to ask about what steps they take to ensure that…

A Message from Martha – the paperback

The paperback of A Message from Martha is out on 24 September: it has the same words, a lower price and a slightly different cover. Today is the 101st anniversary of the extinction of the most numerous bird on Earth. In the last year have we moved closer to saving the world’s biodiversity? Not much,…