This joint petition, supported by over 50 environmental NGOs is not going too well – only a few more than 2000 signatures in the last week despite the support of the National Trust, WWF-UK, old Uncle Tom Cobley and all… I’ll say again that it is a marathon not a sprint, but it would be…
The future of this blog
This blog is 9 years, 11 months and 1 day old. On 21 April it will undergo a significant downshift for at least six months. From 22 April I will not normally post any material from Monday-Friday inclusive. At weekends I will post any guest blogs that have captured my attention and I will continue…
Sunday book review – The Oak Papers by James Canton
I came across this book when it was reviewed by the incomparable John Riutta – it seems odd to learn of a book about an oak tree in Essex from a resident of Oregon, but there you go! And after my mention of it here on a Sunday I was most impressed that someone in…
Tim Melling – Rock Pipit
Tim writes: I found this Rock Pipit at Ingbirchworth Reservoir in South Yorkshire in early October. That is at least 60 miles from the nearest coast and is 850 feet above sea level but Rock Pipits are rarely found away from the coasts where they breed. Here is the UK distribution map so you can…
Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill