I write books

It’s not a great idea to have two books coming out within days of each other in the same month – but these things happen. And, as friends have said, it’s better than not having two books coming out within days of each other in the same month. On 20 July, Behind the Binoculars –…

Hen Harrier Eve, 8 August 2015

In fact – tickets available NOW!  See foot of this post.   Hen Harrier Eve – 8 August 2015 1830 Doors open, and so does the bar, in the High Peak room of the Palace Hotel, Buxton for Hen Harrier Eve – an evening to celebrate the Hen Harrier..   1930 Mark Avery – an…

Henry occupying another butt – what a view!

Henry and I have been to some spectacular spots on our travels. This was a good one, and very close to the road, you’ll notice. The idea that we should reclaim the moors for the Hen Harrier is spreading widely. There is hardly anything more solidly symbolic of driven grouse shooting than the grouse butts…

Rainham – always worth a visit

I arrived at Rainham Marshes RSPB nature reserve before the drawbridge came down. It’s an interesting way to protect your building from vandalism.  I was struck by the fact that the first time I went to Rainham Marshes, when RSPB were negotiating its purchase, it seemed to be the preferred dumping ground for burned out…