Henry occupies another butt

It was a dreich day in the Lammermuirs when Henry occupied this grouse shooting butt. Earlier we had seen a Short-eared Owl, it seems to be another good year for them, and Henry was rather keen to look for voles. I was rather keen to look for a bacon sandwich. This line of grouse butts…

Being open

Members of the ‘Sodden 570’ at last year’s Hen Harrier Day event in the Upper Derwent Valley will recognise this area  – we were getting soaked just off the left hand (western) side of the map on 10 August last year. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act provided open access to open ground (in…

May 2015 – 2nd-most popular month ever on this blog

Google Analytics stopped working on this blog for several weeks a while ago so I don’t have perfect information on numbers of readers of this blog. However, rather to my surprise (and delight), May 2015 was the second most popular month ever (after June 2014), with over 20,000 unique visitors. Thank you to everyone who…